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Alyssa H
Alyssa H
Wife, momma, artist, multipotentialite, entrepreneur, introvert, mental health advocate, cat lover, day dreamer.

My name is Alyssa, I'm married to Theron and our daughter is Eliana Ray. We live in Northern California.

I am a work at home mom. My main source of income is as a professional hair and makeup artist for special events and weddings here in Nor Cal. I also write pieces for well known websites as well as my own blog, and I have an Etsy shop for sassy baby onesies and toddler tees.

I'm a huge advocate for mental health, mostly due to the fact that I have struggled with depression and anxiety my whole adult life. I'm very open about my feelings and struggles, not only for my own mental health but to maybe help someone else who might need an outlet.

I want to help build a community of mommas who support each other instead of tearing each other down or thinking you're better than the mom next to you. I try to achieve this through my Instagram and writing.

Motherhood can be hard and exhausting. But it's also magical. We are all doing our best to raise good humans, and we are all FAR from perfect. Let's talk about it and support each other.