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Have A Sweet And Safe Halloween With These Tips!

Have A Sweet And Safe Halloween With These Tips!

     Ever since we moved into our forever home three years ago we have celebrated numerous holidays in our house. I am a holiday lover. I love all the decorations, festivities and general feeling of the holidays. Having children has renewed and amplified that same excitement for holidays I had as a child. However, out of all the holidays, Halloween was never top on my list as a favorite until we moved into our forever home and had children. Our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween and many neighbors can be found spending time together at the end of their driveways with their fire pits and marshmallows ready to shower children with compliments on their costumes and generously hand out candy. Halloween has crept up to be one of my favorite holidays that I look forward to each year. We have family come over, walk the neighborhood then order pizza and wait for trick-or-treaters. With Halloween and all the excitement of costumes and candy right around the corner I also want my children and yours to be as safe as possible. As important as it is to have fun on this frightful night, it is also important to be safe. We all want our children to have a fun candy filled evening so here are some reminders about Halloween safety.

  • Be sure costumes fit properly. Long costumes can cause your child to trip themselves/others or worse yet come into contact with flames, perhaps from lit pumpkins.
  • Always stay in groups. Be sure not to go out alone on the streets or to houses
  • For little ones parental supervision is vital
  • For older children review how to call 911 in case of an emergency or if they become lost
  • Be careful with masks blocking visibility. Maybe opt for decorative makeup instead
  • When adding props to costumes be sure that they can be held along with trick or treat bags and are not sharp where if they trip could hurt them
  • Check children’s candy when they get home. Especially important for those with allergies. We would like to believe those giving out candy are trustworthy but checking for anything unwrapped, spoiled or defaced candy is important anyway
  • Keep your walkways and porches free of any debris that may cause children harm.
  • Remind your children to stick to houses with outside lights on and walk in well-lit areas
  • Remind your children never to go inside houses for treats or into cars

  • Be careful of cars when walking, especially at night when visibility is low.
  • Cross the streets at designated crossings such as corners, crosswalks etc. and always remind children to look both ways
  • Bring flashlights and cell phones
  • Wear bright clothing or add reflective tape to be seen at night
  • Light pumpkins using glow sticks or flashlights instead of candles to minimize fire hazards.

I wish you all a Happy and Safe Halloween!

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Kathryn S

Family/Lifestyle Blogger. Coffee lover. Sometimes over-thinker. Enjoys photography. Never leaves home without chapstick. Certified in Early Education. Wife. Mom to two beautiful girls! Dependable friend. Believer in kindness and gratitude. On a mission to support and empower women while inspiring them to be their best selves.
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