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Do you feel pressured to choose whether being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom is better?
The battle continues with mums all over feeling the pressure to choose a side--but as a mum who has been on both sides, neither feels more important than the other.
It's sad how we often succumb to judging the choices of those around us so harshly and without thinking about their circumstances. But if you are struggling to make a choice of which side of the tug of war to pull, here's some help:
All choices are for the good of the family
Whether you choose to stay home with the kids or go provide for your family, its important to remember that both choices are good.
Staying home and being hands-on does not mean that you're 'doing nothing all day'. In many cases, you're handling and coordinating the house chores amidst the cries and many attention needs of your kids. Though you may miss out on advancing your career, you're able to see and mold a life fully!
As a working mum, that extra coin matters--it provides the necessary lifestyle you want for your kids as long as you have well-coordinated baby care. You should rest well knowing your career growth is an assurance for a better future for the babies. Plus, chasing your passions and advancing your career offers you sanity which will allow you to be a better mum!
Your children value your sacrifice
It may be hard to expect your little ones to start saying ‘thank you’ for what you do when they are months old. Wait until they can write and get overwhelmed by the many ‘I love you mummy’ notes stuck on your bedside or fridge. You will soon realize that they have been watching your every move and appreciate everything greatly.
Children will display how they appreciate the time you spend with them through the countless hugs and kisses they give you. All your effort folding the laundry or attending those conference meetings abroad will feel worthwhile. As teens, they may shut down the conversation but carry your voice in their heads as motivation. Your choices will also play a huge role in how they choose to model their homes once they begin a family!
If you are worried about what your kids will think of you (AKA mummy guilt), kick the fear away! The truth is that your choice is greatly centered on them; it is for them and because of them. That is what motherhood is about: suddenly having a heart live outside your body.
Be proud of your decision, whether that be to be a stay-at-home mom or a working mom--for only then shall you experience true parenting freedom!
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Rachel is a passionate mother of 2 boys from Nairobi, Kenya. She is a self-proclaimed foodie and implementer of positive parenting. She is also a holder of BSC. Project management. She is a freelance writer and contributor in a variety of parenting, travel, food and lifestyle blogs and websites. Check her family's YouTube channel Present Fatherhood.
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