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Tips to keep away the clutter and make cleaning less daunting

We all deal with clutter and have to clean our houses from time to time. I’m writing this in the hopes that some of my home tips may help you keep down your clutter and make your cleaning time less work overall. I like to think that at any given moment if someone were to stop by my house, I would likely only have to take about ten - fifteen minutes max to pick up in order to feel good about the state of my home. Yes of course, anyone coming to your house who is a friend or family member will probably not judge or care, but for me personally, I like things pretty neat. My home gives me great pride and I like to take good care of it, as I’m sure many of you feel. I’m not a neat freak or a crazed cleaner. I do like to have things generally clean and tidy, but also not spend too much time or energy to have it that way. There are far more important things in life than cleaning. I have learned over time, that if you let things pile up and sit, when you finally do get to it, it’s a way bigger job. I do have a husband, a three year old and a baby, so if I leave chores too long, things can go down- hill pretty fast.  I also do understand that with families, jobs and obligations, time is limited. So here is a list of my to-dos that keep the major to-dos and fixes at bay.

1. When you get the mail, go through it right away! 

      Junk mail arrives in my mailbox daily - Advertisements, coupons, circulars, magazines from every company I’ve ever purchased from. It can be overwhelming and if not sorted through quickly create that unsightly pile on your kitchen table or counter. So, I make it a practice to throw out anything unimportant and put what needs my attention in a hanging bin on the wall. This bin was once stored in my kitchen, but I didn’t even want to see it out and was moved into the laundry room. This allows you to have a place to store any bills or things that need your attention without taking up precious counter space or cluttering up your view. It takes about two minutes to do and will save you time and effort later. I have even been known to rip things up on the walk from the mailbox to the house.

2. Invest in storage

      Having kids, means toys and clutter become inevitable. I have been a preschool teacher for many years and quickly learned the importance of 'everything must have it’s place' if you are going to have a little one participate in the clean-up. My girls’ playroom can get pretty out of hand, but clean up usually takes about five minutes because everything has a spot, it’s always in that spot, and she knows where everything goes. If you really want to dial up the teacher in you, label bins and shelves with pictures and words, making it even easier for your child to identify where things need to go. I personally haven’t labeled because we are in a constant influx of new toys or changing ages that I am always rearranging. Do what works. You can also use stylish storage boxes and bins to store pictures, important cards from holidays and anything that’s important that you just don’t know where to put it. A nice basket or storage box looks way better than a pile of cards or pictures.

3. Clean as you go

      By this, I mean, when you’re cooking, wipe up drips and spills right away. For one, it’s easier to do it before it dries and you’re stuck scrubbing and two because it will be less to do later. When dinner is in the oven or cooking, take a minute to put some things in the dishwasher or wash some things. Once dinner is done you’ll just be left with what everyone ate on and a general wipe down. I always regret the times I don’t keep up with this because when the kids nap or go down for the night, I’ll be left with a big mess to clean. This also goes for toothpaste in the sink, spills on the floor, crumbs, etc. You get the point, wipe right away.

4. For a nice clean dish sponge, pop it in the dishwasher!

5. Vacuum often

      This one is not always the easiest because in my house someone is always napping, and upstairs is not as easy when people are sleeping. However, we do accumulate a lot of crumbs so I try to vacuum at least once a night when the kids go to bed. It forces me to make sure things are not left on the floor and keeps the house consistently looking neat. Bonus, keeps away ants and bugs.

6. Use a child’s unwillingness to go to sleep or nap to your advantage.

      Whenever my daughter does not want to go to sleep I like to tell her she can stay up an extra ten minutes and help mommy pick up. This is a win win because even if she doesn’t help all that much, it gives me a little time to organize and pick up a few things before putting her down and she thinks she has more time to stay awake. It also teaches her it's important to pick up after yourself.  I inevitably fall asleep with her most of the time, so when I wake up I won't wake to a huge mess still left to clean or have them wake up from nap and add to it throughout the rest of the day. If I manage to get through the nap-time process still awake, I will tidy up while they sleep and then again at the end of the day to keep the clutter at bay. It's always do a little bit, so you don't have to do a ton later. 

7. Windex with vinegar!

      The windex with vinegar will easily clean mirrors and glass streak free every time and keeps away smell.

8. When using a cooking sheet, place foil over the sheet for easy clean up.

9. White works!

      In my house we have a lot of white. My playroom has white couches, our bedrooms have white comforters and sheets etc. You might be thinking, two kids and all white, you are crazy! I might be, but what I love about things that are white is that cleaning them is so easy. In the wash, with bleach and they come out sparkling clean. My playroom couches happen to be from ikea, with removable covers I can pop in the wash. If by chance I am faced with stains that cannot be removed or they get really bad, it’s easy to order a new cover and not too pricey. Nice furniture for the playroom will come one day down the road! For now, I am practical.

10. NO SHOES in the house.

      This rule is my favorite for so many reasons. Yes, it can be awkward to have to ask a guest do this but with a crawling baby and not all the time in the world to clean, this small rule comes in handy. It keeps the dirt outside and less work for me on my floors and carpets. You will definitely scrub less and clean less often when there are no dirty shoes stomping around. I like to think this also creates a comfortable environment. When we first moved in, we would have piles of shoes by the door that drove me crazy and looked even worse. I purchased a nice bench with cubbies that we now toss our shoes in. There are no longer shoes all over the floor and guests see the shoe spot and I usually won’t have to mention the rule.

11. Purge on a regular basis

      Whenever you have a moment or notice things piling up, it may be time to use the old adage, “less is more”. Clutter can add up quickly so when in doubt toss it out. If you can’t remember the last time you used something, it doesn’t bring you joy or value, it’s time to let it go. By taking a few minutes each week to go through some things, you will eliminate a big job of sorting through items down the road. This especially goes for when you bring new items into the house. When new things come in, there are surely some old things you can part with. If you’re thinking, well maybe I’ll use this again one day down the road, you most likely will not if you haven’t already. As Elsa says … Let it go! If you prefer, donate it.   

12. Forego the cardboard and plastic boxes and opt for glass jars or storage containers.

      There’s nothing more unsightly than when you open up your cabinet and search for something through a mess of bags and boxes. Organizing is made easy when you use containers. My favorite is my coffee container. I’ve gotten rid of the plastic round store container and have a nice looking coffee container on my counter. Easy on the eyes and easy to put items away quickly and neatly. This works for cereals, snacks, sugar, flour etc. I can’t count the amount of times I attempted to get my flour out and the bag gets flour all over as I take it out. Don’t let that be you! I also have my dish soap, hand soap, Q-tips and cotton balls in nice containers on my counters and shelves. It looks nicer, everything is easily accessible and you can buy larger refills, saving money on buying small bottles each time.

13. Recognize why you have clutter to begin with. 

      If you know why you are keeping things, you have a better chance of figuring out the best way to change the habit. Are you just too busy, a constant worrier you may need it or are you just overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin? Much of what I wrote is maintaining an already organized/little mess home, but if you’re starting from square one, the task of getting to the maintenance point might seem more daunting. Once you identify why you are keeping items, spend ten minutes each day tackling a room until you’ve reached the state where you can maintain what makes you happy.

14. Dish soap for grease stains

      Ever get those mysterious grease stains on clothes? They usually appear on your grey sweats or black items. Easy way to get these out is rub some dish soap on the areas (a grease fighter) and pop it into the laundry as usual and poof, your stain will be gone.


      Stick to one task at a time. This tip I struggle with the most! I start something, and then I notice something else or remember laundry in the dryer, or walk by dirty dishes and the next thing I realize I’ve started five tasks and all of them are only partially done. I move A LOT faster when I stick to one task, finish and move to the next one. I often have to catch myself from starting something new, but when I do and keep my focus, I definitely finish in less time.

      I hope you enjoyed some of my tips and remember to give yourself some grace. Don’t be too hard on yourself if your house isn’t spotless, your laundry isn’t done and you have dishes in the sink. We are all trying to do our best and feeling pressured to keep a perfect home does not belong on our already long list of worries and concerns. Ask for help from your family as you need it and keep your sanity! I hope you found some things you will implement in your own home and I would love for you to add some of your own ways to declutter and keep the mess in check! Share your best ideas!

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Kathryn S

Family/Lifestyle Blogger. Coffee lover. Sometimes over-thinker. Enjoys photography. Never leaves home without chapstick. Certified in Early Education. Wife. Mom to two beautiful girls! Dependable friend. Believer in kindness and gratitude. On a mission to support and empower women while inspiring them to be their best selves.
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