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Tooth Fairy Fail

Tooth Fairy Fail

Mom fails: sometimes we laugh about them, sometimes we cry about them, sometimes we’re embarrassed by them, and sometimes we get angry with ourselves over them. But the bottom line is that no matter the fail, it’s always a lesson learned and a story for the future on this crazy journey called Parenthood. 

My most recent mom fails have revolved around the Tooth Fairy. Having two sets of twins 18-months apart, ages 7 and 5 1/2, the Tooth Fairy has been a frequent flyer lately. And it’s tough to keep up! 

On the night my daughter Lillian lost her first tooth, I happened to end up in the emergency room with my son, who had severe tummy bug symptoms and stomach pain. My parents were home with the rest of the kiddos, and my mom made sure to remind me about the Tooth Fairy’s visit via text for when we returned home. She knows I usually like to do a special note for the first tooth. I thanked her for the reminder and had the best of intentions to make it happen. (Side note: my husband is currently on a ship in the middle of the ocean. So I am, for all intents and purposes, a single mom while he is working out at sea.) 

Unfortunately, having spent several hours in the ER and then driving home in the snow, I come home exhausted. Before I knew it, I was out cold in my bed completely forgetting about the Tooth Fairy! In the morning, my daughter came downstairs with tears in her eyes and tooth baggie in hand wondering why the Tooth Fairy had not come. My heart not only sank but plummeted. Even being exhausting, how could I have forgotten this momentous occasion? But there was no time for wallowing—this Mama had to think fast! 

I looked into her sweet, teary eyes and I really had no idea what would come out of my mouth, because my brain was in overdrive. Luckily, my brain and my mouth connected somehow, and I matter-of-factly said: “Oh, you know what I bet happened? I bet she had a hard time flying through that snow last night! I know that I was nervous about driving home from the hospital in it because it was really tough to see! It’s not supposed to snow tonight, so I bet she’ll come tonight!”

I wasn’t sure how she would react. Would she see right through me or would she trust in mom’s explanation? She looked up and nodded slowly, accepting my quickly thought out scenario. Phew. That was a close one, to say the least. 

That night, you better believe I did not forget! I typed out a personal message from the Tooth Fairy that read: “Dear Lillian, Congratulations on losing your first tooth! I am so sorry I was not able to get there last night, but it is very difficult to see and fly when it is snowing outside. I did not forget about you though and I made sure to come tonight. Thank you for understanding about last night! Love, The Tooth Fairy.”

The next morning, she came downstairs all smiles clutching the note and her $5 bill. Although I had initially been so upset with myself for the mom fail, I couldn’t help but be a little bit proud of my quick thinking and my ability to mend a sticky situation! I am not a perfect parent. I make mistakes and have mom fails, but as the saying goes, “Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” So, go easy on yourselves, Mamas! Mom fails are just part of the journey. 

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Sarah G

Sarah is a proud stay-at-home mom of two sets of twins, Jack and Liam, 6, and Lillian and Mallory, 4. She is originally from Tolland, CT, but has resided in the Boston area since 2001. Prior to becoming a mom, Sarah was an elementary school teacher in Newton, MA for seven years. She and her husband, Ryan currently live in Whitman, MA and Ryan serves as a Chief Engineer in the U.S. Merchant Marine. In addition to being a mom of 4, Sarah enjoys blogging and performing in local theater productions. She's also an avid member of her mothers of multiples group, Keeping Pace with Multiple Miracles based in West Bridgewater, MA.
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