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We need to prep you for a C-section

We need to prep you for a C-section

“We need to prep you for a C-section.” The doctor tells me, at my 36-week follow up. I always knew that would be an option for me, as it is for any mom. My daughter was breached, Frank Breached since week 22 and she wouldn’t nudge. She found a comfortable spot and sat on her little behind the entire time. I anticipated this day, but I always had hope that she would turn, somehow, magically. The doctors even gave me hope; trying to convince me that this happens all the time and that she will turn eventually on her own, and we would attempt a natural birth. 


Well, week 37 came and she was still sitting on her little behind.  


As women, we want our bodies to do what it was meant to do. To carry and birth a child, the natural way, right?  But what is the Natural way? Why are we even dividing births? Why are we belittling the process of a C-Section?  Let me tell you, it is not easy. 


Let’s take you through the process of prepping for a Cesarean. A C-Section is almost always the last resort. The mom can be in labor for hours and not dilate; the baby could be under major stress, breached position, uterus rupture, and so on. Once the doctor determines that sectioning the mom is the safest method for mom and baby, the process begins.  You are taken into a big, bright, extremely cold operating room. If you have not received your epidural yet, you will get it there. Once your epidural starts working, they lay you flat on the smallest, coldest, metal bed with your arms tied to the side. Yes, tied! At this point the anesthesiologist hovers over your head to make sure your vitals are good and stay good.  


You are freezing, you are shaking, some even get nauseous and throw up (that was me), and some moms even need help with extra oxygen.  You don’t necessarily feel any pain, but you feel everything. The pressure, the tugging and pulling and the emptiness once the baby is taken out. Once the baby is out, the cleaning and stitching the body back up begins. Then, you are taken into a recovery room, where you wait for your bottom part of the body to make it’s way back to life.


The next couple of days are the worst. You can’t laugh, you can barely take deep breaths and let’s not even talk about attempting to walk or pee without feeling like you will pass out from the pain.  I mean, you just had MAJOR surgery, no big deal, right? Once you leave the hospital, you are on pretty strong meds for the pain, you don’t even attempt to wash your hair by yourself because lifting those arms will only bring you misery.  It will be a couple of weeks until you feel like you can attempt on doing some daily activities by yourself, without any assistance. You will be reminded, for the rest of your life, of that scary but beautiful day, by that scar of yours.


So, for all the mothers out there that have had a C-Sections, I salute you. I salute your scars, your agony, your recovery and the entire process. You are brave, you are beautiful and you gave BIRTH to a beautiful baby. Don’t let anyone belittle your birth story and don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not significant.

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Ilda H

Looking back at my pregnancy, I remember all the questions and concerns I had. I remember researching just about anything google would give me and I still felt like I didn't know much, I still felt a void. So I figured, What better way to fill that void than to provide an honest platform to other moms or moms to be. I am constantly looking for new material to write about and I'd love to share that with all of you.
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