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Best Resources for First-Time Moms to Learn More About Parenting

Best Resources for First-Time Moms to Learn More About Parenting

While new motherhood can be an exhilarating experience, it also comes with plenty of doubt and stress. The American Psychological Association notes that up to one in seven women experience postpartum depression—regardless of race, income level, or marital status. In a survey of 3,000 moms by the Everyday Health Group, 68% of moms say they're experiencing anxiety, and 35% say it's reached moderate to severe levels. All this can interfere with their ability to care for your newborn baby. These feelings are quite normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Luckily, there are tons of online resources first-time moms can use to navigate their parenthood journey better. Here are a few of our picks:


Today's new moms are busier than ever, leaving little time to curl up with a book or seek parenting advice. Recognizing this, Everand provides millions of ebooks, audiobooks, and more under one convenient platform — perfect for overwhelmed parents needing expert insights or encouragement. In pursuit of enhanced mental health, Emotional Intelligence Mastery: A Practical Guide To Improving Your EQ, a bestselling title on Everand, and similar self-help books are widely available for first-time moms who want to observe and analyze their emotions and how their body reacts to them. It also helps moms release unwanted, potentially destructive emotions. Other titles like 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do and On Becoming Baby-Wise can help you overcome the unique challenges of newborn parenting. According to maternal coach and psychotherapist Kate Kripke, mothers are deeply interconnected to their children's nervous systems, so maternal mental health struggles can potentially affect a child's mental well-being. The above titles can help you stay attuned to yourself, a pillar of effective and compassionate parenting.

What's Up Moms

It's always helpful to receive tips from moms who've been there and done that, and YouTube has become an excellent resource for struggling first-time mamas. To illustrate, the WhatsUpMoms YouTube channel is chock-full of recipes, hacks, and DIY tricks that are useful for new moms. They also share personal stories and experiences, from labor and delivery to dealing with newborns, toddlers, and beyond. Their "Mom Hacks: Movie Night Episode 18" video provides tips for organizing an at-home movie night; this is a good way for moms who can't leave their homes to unwind. Down the line, these activity ideas can be shared with your kids as they grow up. Videos are helpful for moms who need tailored advice on specific issues, and you can pull them up at your convenience to play while you multitask.


In our "Mindset of a New Mom" post, we touch on how hard the first few weeks after childbirth can be—and how no one tells you how drastically things will change, especially with your body. In a Massachusetts General Hospital survey of new moms, 50% of pregnant and postpartum moms reported an interest in programs that could address postpartum worries. This is where a sexual and reproductive health and support platform can help. Loom offers a virtual pregnancy and postpartum course that includes access to 22 videos, 31 audio conversations, and 39 written guides for new mothers to peruse at their own pace. This also comes with monthly Q&As with the brand's founders and live community support sessions for moms wanting more personalized advice about raising a newborn. While baby-centric advice is vital, having platforms that focus on a new mother's physical health is just as important.

It's crucial for moms to have support in maintaining physical and mental health so they can show up for their newborn child in the best way. With a holistic combination of resources that provide parenting advice and tips to care for oneself, new moms won't just take control of their parenting journey—they can enjoy it, too.

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Rosetta J

Rosetta James is a part-time writer and full-time mom to two teenagers. Parenting is never an easy task, which is why Rosetta aims to share her tips and tricks with every mother in the community.

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