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Suka N
Suka N
mom, writer, reader, avid coffee drinker

I'm an author residing in Windsor, Ontario with my husband and three children. I share my honest and raw experiences which focus on mothers treading the rough waters of early motherhood and the difficulties of being a woman. My inspirational and viral work has been featured on Today Show, Scary Mommy, Upworthy, and more. I was nominated for two IRIS awards in 2021 for Best Writing and Breakout of the Year.

My Stories

Motherhood Made Me Realise I Suffered from Anxiety

I didn’t really notice I suffered from anxiety, until I became a mother.I didn’t notice that I was hanging on by a thread.Was it motherhood? How can something that brings me...

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To My Children's Teachers, You're More Appreciated Than You Know

To my children’s teachers, I know you must be extremely stressed, believe me I am too. I know that all you are doing right now is playing scenarios in your head...

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When My Husband Asks What's Wrong, It's Easier to Respond: Nothing

My husband looks at me, and asks me “what’s wrong?”Nothing I reply. What can I tell him? That even though he is extremely helpful, I cannot bear this weight of motherhood...

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